Improved Satiety

Satiety is the effect of feeling fuller for longer after eating. Foods which stay in our stomach for longer, take longer to digest and pass through our body or hold more volume, have natural satiety effects.

When milk is consumed and enters the stomach, most of the milk components pass through to the gut quickly. However, casein protein forms a ‘curd’ (like yoghurt) when it mixes with natural stomach acids. This curd is retained in the stomach for longer and is better digested and broadly better tolerated.

Haelen® causes whey and casein proteins to interact with each other in a unique way, such that the curd that is formed in the stomach is larger in volume but is also much softer and more porous than those produced by milks treated with conventional thermal processes. Because of its porous and soft nature, the Haelen® curd naturally binds significantly more water and therefore further increases in volume. These compounding effects of slow gentle digestion and larger volume means Haelen® can naturally improve satiety. Creating new clean label product opportunities in weight management.

Haelen® complements products designed and targeted for weight management, generation of lean muscle mass or advanced on the go nutrition.