Less Intolerance
Intolerance is an individual's inability or decreased ability to tolerate or properly digest certain foods. Intolerance to lactose has taken the headlines in recent years, however, the less spoken about and harder to solve issue of milk protein intolerance is the key driver of dairy intolerance and deserves a deeper dive.
The reason for this benefit is superior Haelen® digestion advantage. Milk proteins becoming more comprehensively digested in the stomach, particularly the whey protein ‘Beta-lactoglobulin’ - a known milk allergen not present in human breast milk, meaning Haelen® protein is better tolerated and gentler on the gut .
Milk proteins comprise known allergens which can create severe illness in those individuals susceptible. However, these same protein groups can also create intolerance in individuals who may not be allergic but have difficulty digesting some of the proteins in milk. This intolerance can create a range of negative side effects – inflammation, skin rashes, respiratory problems etc.
Naturo commissioned independent university testing of Haelen® processed milk, comparing it to traditionally thermally processed milks by measuring markers of intolerance on human gut cells – the cells which are responsible for triggering intolerance reactions in the body. The outcome of these comprehensive tests were that Haelen® induced significantly less intolerance reactions than thermally processed milk samples.
”The Haelen® digestibility advantage lends itself to all consumers seeking the benefits of milk without the protein intolerance issues. This includes the susceptible toddler segment, where Haelen® can ease the journey of gently introducing dairy and avoid the negative side effects via a Toddler ‘Starter Milk.’